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  • Via Ferrata .com .org

    Via Ferrata .com .org

    ViaFerrata.Org and joined to provide fans the best web experience Our goal is to assist via ferrata climbers world wide by providing global and useful information We are currently working on the English Version and adding more and more via ferrata !
  • Recherche Ambassadeurs

    Recherche Ambassadeurs

    Nous recherchons 10 ambassadeurs "Via Ferrata" afin de tester l'application smart phone pour les utilisateurs de via ferrata. Si tu as un smart phone, tu fais de la via et tu veux participer à la communauté, contacte-nous!
  • Photos Via

    Photos Via

    This site is yours! Send us pictures and don't hesitate to put comment on each via ferrata you climb. No need to register to leave a comment!
  • Security


    Security is a big factor in climbing a via ferrata. Which gear do you need? What kind of equipment?

Black Diamond

  • Black Diamond: Rappel de Longes Via Ferrata

    Black Diamond: Rappel de Longes Via Ferrata

    Black Diamond procède au rappel volontaire, soumis à une inspection de la part de l'utilisateur, des longes de via ferrata Easy Rider et Iron Cruiser en raison de la présence possible de coutures défectueuses pouvant faire céder la longe et entraîner des blessures ou la mort.

    Le présent rappel concerne les longes de Via Ferrata Easy Rider Set (numéro de modèle 620105) et Iron Cruiser Via Ferrata Set (numéro de modèle 620110) fabriquées entre le 26 octobre 2015 et le 18 janvier 2016, présentant des codes de fabrication compris entre 5293 et 5350. Les packs Iron Cruiser Via Ferrata Packages (numéro de modèle 620122) sont également concernés.

  • Black Diamond: Recalls Via Ferrata Sets

    Black Diamond: Recalls Via Ferrata Sets

    Black Diamond recalls, subject to user inspection, of Easy Rider and Iron Cruiser Via Ferrata Lanyard sets because of the possibility of defects in the stitching that could cause the lanyard to fail, potentially resulting in serious injury or death.

    This recall concerns the Easy Rider Via Ferrata Set (style number 620105) and the Iron Cruiser Via Ferrata Set (style number 620110) manufactured between October 26, 2015 and January 18, 2016, with manufacturing codes between 5293 and 5350. Iron Cruiser Via Ferrata Packages (style number 620122) are also affected.


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Pas en via ferrata, mais agile